The heat pump is one of the most important devices that you can install in your home. This is because not only does it keep your home warm and comfortable when needed, it does so cost effectively by transferring heat from one place to another instead of producing it from scratch. However, according to heating […]
Things You Should Expect After Booking an HVAC Installation
If you’re planning on upgrading or replacing your old heating and/or air conditioning system, once you’ve booked your installation date, the hardest part is over. In today’s post, air conditioning repair company Air Quality shares an overview of what you should expect before and during your HVAC installation.
How HVAC Pros Diagnose Refrigerant Leaks
Now that summer is in full swing, the last thing homeowners such as yourself want to deal with is a faulty HVAC unit. After all, if yours malfunctions, your home will become uncomfortable fairly quickly. According to experts, one of the HVAC issues that you need to watch out for is a refrigerant leak. Unfortunately, […]
Split AC or Window Unit: Which One Should You Pick?
When it comes to air conditioning, not every homeowner knows that there are different kinds of ACs on the market in addition to central air conditioning. In fact, according to heating and cooling pros, there are two types of air conditioners that are just as popular as central air conditioners: window units and split AC units. But […]
4 Essentials You Should Know About Before Getting an Air Purifier
Did you know that indoor air can be just as polluted as outdoor air? At this point in time, with a good majority of people spending their time indoors for an extended period of time, it’s important to keep the air inside your home safe and healthy. Investing in an air purifier can help with […]