On March 10, we’ll all be adjusting our clocks ahead one hour as Daylight Saving Time takes effect. It’s interesting how a single hour can make such a big difference in everyone’s sleeping habits and daily activities. It’s not all bad, though; DST can actually be beneficial, especially to your heating and air conditioning systems. Air Quality […]
Important Things You Need to Know About Furnace Air Filters
Air filters are essential components of forced-air HVAC systems. The right kind can help ensure the optimal performance of your system and help you realize the full extent of benefits that high-quality heating and air conditioning systems can provide. The following are some of the important things you need to know about furnace air filters.
HVAC System Maintenance Tips for the Whole Year
You need an HVAC system that can be counted on all year round, therefore it’s important to periodically check it throughout the year. The last thing you want is your air conditioner failing on you in the middle of summer. Here is a quick guide on the things you should focus on for your year-round HVAC maintenance.
Top Money Saving Tips on Using Your Heating and Air Conditioning System
Two facts about all air conditioning systems: they keep the homeowner comfortable, and consume energy to do so. That being said, there are things that you can do to help reduce the energy your heating unit consumes without compromising your own comfort. Air Quality Heating and Air Conditioning shares some tips.
4 Tips to Handle HVAC Emergencies Properly
The inconvenience of an HVAC equipment breakdown is a fact of life. Proper maintenance can reduce the chances of failure, but it doesn’t eliminate the possibility of problems. At some point, your heating or air conditioning system might require emergency repairs, which you need to prepare for.