Strategies For Controlling Home Comfort Costs As Energy Prices Escalate

If energy prices continue to escalate, which strategies will prove most effective for controlling home comfort costs? This is one of the most important questions that homeowners can ask. Keeping property interiors at comfortable temperatures has become a very expensive endeavor. This is especially true in areas with extreme climates. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to limit your spending in this area without having to forgo an enjoyable living environment.

Weatherproof Your Windows

Metal window frames are actually responsible for conducting cold into the property interior. You can upgrade your frames and look for windows with a high R-value. The R-value determines how resistant a window is to heat gain or loss. If you are unable to pay for costly improvements of this type, you also have the option of using self adhesive foam to insulate your windows.

Weather-Strip And Seal Your Doors

Given their larger sizes and the fact that doors are constantly being opened and closed, they can be responsible for far more heat gain and heat loss than windows. Weather-stripping your doors and properly sealing them can limit energy loss. Homeowners can additionally purchase threshold locks or metal or rubber sweeps. These block the gaps that often exist at the bottoms of doors.

Add Exterior Insulation

One of the best ways to promote a comfortable temperature on the property interior is by making improvements at the exterior of the home. If you lack exterior insulation, your home is probably experiencing a lot of unnecessary heat loss during the winter months. Crawl spaces, basement walls and attics can be insulated in order to cut energy use and overall energy costs.

Use Programmable Thermostats

A great strategy for saving energy and one that won’t cost much at all is to simply install a programmable thermostat. You can set this unit to heat or cool the home, only when you’re present. This helps people to avoid the high costs of running heating and cooling equipment even when the property is empty.

Controlling your home comfort costs will help you to significantly reduce your overhead expenses. Best of all, you don’t have to pay a lot of money in order to create a home interior that is both comfortable and cost-effective. Call us for additional energy saving solutions.

Categories: Energy Savings
Matt Farber: