When investing in a heat pump for your home, one of the key questions you might have is, “How long will my new heat pump last?” This is a smart question, considering the investment involved. The longevity of heat pumps has seen significant improvement due to technological advancements, and while the average lifespan quoted in […]
Why Your Heating and Cooling System Has Poor Airflow
An efficient and high quality heating and air conditioning system produces consistent airflow, ensuring comfort year-round. When airflow issues occur, you’ll notice uneven temperatures, higher energy bills, and decreased comfort. Identifying these problems is the first step toward improving your HVAC system’s performance. Continue reading to find out the common culprits behind poor airflow in heating and […]
3 Tips to Protect Your Outdoor HVAC Unit From Damage
Most HVAC systems have an indoor and outdoor unit. While the former is safely tucked inside your home, the latter doesn’t get the same protection. After all, it’s exposed to the elements as well as the eyes of your neighbors. Properly maintaining it can ensure its longevity and promote more comfortable indoor temperatures for you […]
Common Thermostat Issues That Cause More Than Discomfort
Few people consider faulty thermostats a cause for alarm, and so often put off thermostat troubleshooting and repair. But the truth is, faulty thermostats cause more than just uncomfortable indoor temperatures. In this blog, Air Quality Heating & Air Conditioning takes a look at some common thermostat issues that cause discomfort.
The Real Advantages of Having a Heat Pump
One of the biggest attractions of heat pumps over other conventional air conditioning units is their efficiency. As far as savings on utility costs are concerned, heat pumps can beat the competition by a long run but like other systems, it has its own list of strengths and weaknesses as well.