If you’re planning on upgrading or replacing your old heating and/or air conditioning system, once you’ve booked your installation date, the hardest part is over. In today’s post, air conditioning repair company Air Quality shares an overview of what you should expect before and during your HVAC installation.
Split AC or Window Unit: Which One Should You Pick?
When it comes to air conditioning, not every homeowner knows that there are different kinds of ACs on the market in addition to central air conditioning. In fact, according to heating and cooling pros, there are two types of air conditioners that are just as popular as central air conditioners: window units and split AC units. But […]
3 Tips to Protect Your Outdoor HVAC Unit From Damage
Most HVAC systems have an indoor and outdoor unit. While the former is safely tucked inside your home, the latter doesn’t get the same protection. After all, it’s exposed to the elements as well as the eyes of your neighbors. Properly maintaining it can ensure its longevity and promote more comfortable indoor temperatures for you […]
Common Thermostat Issues That Cause More Than Discomfort
Few people consider faulty thermostats a cause for alarm, and so often put off thermostat troubleshooting and repair. But the truth is, faulty thermostats cause more than just uncomfortable indoor temperatures. In this blog, Air Quality Heating & Air Conditioning takes a look at some common thermostat issues that cause discomfort.
Maintenance Tips for Your Humidifier
The cold days of winter are marching on, and homeowners everywhere are enjoying the warmth of their furnace or gas heater. One common problem with heating systems our professionals at Air Quality Heating and Air Conditioning have noticed is that while the air is nice and warm, it’s also quite dry. The solution to this issue is […]