When it comes to heating and air conditioning units, the split AC system is the most cost-effective choice for homes without any ductwork. Comprised of internal and external components, it can mesh with your indoor space without calling for too much attention. It has many benefits, but the biggest is perhaps scalability; you can just […]
The Real Advantages of Having a Heat Pump
One of the biggest attractions of heat pumps over other conventional air conditioning units is their efficiency. As far as savings on utility costs are concerned, heat pumps can beat the competition by a long run but like other systems, it has its own list of strengths and weaknesses as well.
Ductless Air Conditioning: Features and Benefits
A centralized air conditioner is essential to create a relaxing and comfortable environment in your home. There are many types of air conditioning available in the market today, and each of them has their own lists of benefits and drawbacks. One such type of unit that’s been making waves in energy efficiency is the ductless […]
What’s the Right Thermostat for Your Home Heating and Air Conditioning?
While you may think that your heating and air conditioning systems run with just a simple on and off switch, you’re sorely mistaken. To be able to get the most out of these systems, you need to set them meticulously, which is simple with the right thermostat.
Heating Costs For Most Households Are Forecast To Rise From Last Winter’s Level
According to the US Energy Information Administration at http://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.cfm?id=13311 , over 104,400,000 US homes are predicted to incur higher heating expenditures this winter (from 1st October 2013 to 31st March 2014), compared to last winter. Primarily, this due to bigger projected costs for residential propane, electricity and natural gas. About one-half of U.S. households use […]